Year 3 2024 - 2025
Meet the Year 3 team:
3S - Miss Standaloft and Mr Hoy
3C - Mr Colaco and Mrs Richardson
We hope you had a great summer holiday! It was great to hear of all the amazing things our children have done over the break. They've been telling us about what they have been up to. This coming term we look forward to all the wonderful learning we will be doing, the children and staff will all be very busy!
But firstly, a few reminders:
- P.E. will still take place on Mondays and Wednesdays (Swimming). Children should come into school wearing their P.E. kits and trainers should be worn.
- The children will be assigned their new wellbeing groups from their first choice they made before summer. Any kit or footwear requirements will have been notified by email.
What are we learning?
This term we are learning all about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the children have begun to explore our new English text. Children will search for clues in the pictures and text to make predictions about the story. The children will identify features of a typical Roald Dahl tale and use this to develop their own style of writing. We will then enjoy doing lots of character profiles and unpicking language used by Roald Dahl.
In Maths, we are focussing on many different topics, including: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Perimeter and shape. We use a lot of practical learning first, then applying the taught skill/s to written tasks, followed by consolidating their knowledge using word problems - we often take our learning outdoors when appropriate. We will be continuing to practice our times tables, in particular the 3's, 4's and 8's - ready for Year 4 next year! We'd appreciate it if you could also be practicing these at home regularly, to help consolidate their knowledge.
In Science our first topic is animals including humans. We will be focussing on healthy eating and nutrition as well as the human skeleton. We will recap the children’s prior knowledge of the food groups, the children will be able to correctly group and sort examples of food into their respective food groups, inside and outside of the classroom.
This term’s focus is on map and compass reading. It will involve some work outside of the classroom, exploring our local area, comparing places such as Crosby and Waterloo. Children will be introduced to Statistics through making a key for their maps. Children will explore and discuss the various types of housing (including their own), and make observations about their local area, both physical and human.
You, Me, Everyone
In You, Me, Everyone, the children will focus on their understanding of mental health and well being and how to support themselves and others. The children will be supported in how to deal with negative moments as well as positive in their lives.
This half term in P.E., the children will be focussing on continuing their swimming sessions, developing their water confidence, and building on skills they learnt at the end of year 2. The children’s outdoor focus will be ‘Health related fitness’ this will entail working on lots of different activities to improve general fitness and wellbeing.
In Art this half term, the children will be focussing on exploring portraits of people, looking to a range of artists, and comparing their techniques. The children will have the opportunity to use various tools to create their own self portrait drawings.
In Computing, we are looking at computing systems and networks, focusing on how to connect devices. Children will use a range of resources to understand the concepts clearly and will use computing software to assist further. We will also continue to recap on the importance of internet safety across the unit of work, ensuring all children know how to act responsibly when using computers and being online.
In Spanish this term's key learning is:
To say, read, listen, and write a simple phrase and greetings.
To ask and answer questions about their age and if they have pets.
To listen and show understanding of simple phrases about colours, animals and numbers.
Home Learning
Homework will always be sent out on Thursdays. The children are to do their spelling activity, along with their self-selected reading book - please ensure a comment is recorded by a parent or guardian in their reading record. These are to be returned on Monday morning, if you have any issues, please contact your class teacher.
Don't forget to check back to our Year 3 blog each half term for more information about what we are learning in school.
Thank you,
Miss Standaloft and Mr Hoy
Mr Colaco and Mrs Richardson