Year 5 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 5!
Happy New Year! We’re so excited for the new year ahead and all the wonderful things we will learn during this term.
Come and See
This term we will be looking at the importance of community and our mission to help others as Jesus did. We will also be looking at The Eucharist and how it is a living memorial of Jesus. We will also be preparing for Easter by learning how Lent is a time of giving and preparation. We will attend Mass as a year group during Lent; to help us prepare for Easter.
This term, we will be reading The Highwayman. We will be exploring figurative language and using this to create our own exciting stories.
We will continue with our Read, Write, Inc spelling programme. The children have been enjoying this interactive approach to their learning of spellings and spelling patterns.
In our maths lessons this half term, we will be developing our understanding of multiplication and division. We will be learning how to multiply and divide a 4 digit number by one-digit.
We will then begin to focus on fractions. We will learn how to order and compare fractions and we will start to recognise a range of equivalent fractions.
After consolidating our understanding of division, we will be focusing on learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. We will explore using positional and directional language.
It is vitally important that the children continue to overlearn their multiplication and division facts. Please encourage them to continue to use Times Tables Rockstars regularly.
This term we will be looking at Living Things and their Habitats. We will learn to describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird and be able to describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
During the second half of this term, we will teach Animals including Humans. This topic will include puberty where the children will learn about how their body grows and changes as they get older.
In Geography, we will be learning about Biomes, climate zones and vegetation belts. We will be exploring the animals and plants that can be found in different biomes around the world and the UK. We will be thinking about climate change and how this is impacting biomes and what can be done to protect biomes.
In our history lessons, we will be learning about Liverpool during World War 2. We will find out about the important role the city played in The Battle of the Atlantic and some of the impact war had on the city.
In our PE sessions this term we will be focusing on developing our swimming skills with Sefton Swimming Service. At school our PE will be dodgeball, we can’t wait as we know how much the children enjoy this unit.
Please note our PE day is Friday and swimming on Wednesday (swimming will only be until February half term).
In Art this half term we will be focusing on painting. We will be studying the work of William Morris.
In computing, we will build on our coding skills. This will involve using Scratch to make our own mini quizzes.
You, Me, Everyone (RSHE, PSHE & Wellbeing)
We will be looking at personal relationships. This includes sessions that help children to identify and understand how to respond to spoken and unspoken pressure, the concept of consent and how our thoughts and feelings have an impact on how we act.
We’re excited to begin using our new scheme ‘Language Angels’. This will help us the children learn the basics of how to have a short conversation in Spanish.
Things to Remember
- Please ensure all items, but especially coats, jumpers and lunchboxes, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Please can you ensure your child brings a waterproof coat each day to school - one can be left on their peg if you prefer.
- Children need to bring their water bottle in every day. These need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- School is not currently selling any snacks at break time. Please consider sending your child in with a healthy snack.
- Children will bring a reading book home every Thursday and this needs to be returned on the Monday.
- Children will take spellings home every Thursday and they need to return their spelling books back to school on Wednesday for their spelling check.
We look forward to working with you all this term. Please contact any member of the Year 5 team if you require any further information. If you need to speak to us on the yard after school, we ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all the children safely to their parent or carer. After this, we will be more than happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the school office via phone or email.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 5 Team