
The Eco-Schools Programme is Changing - Eco Schools

At Ursuline, we are proud to be both an Eco-School and a Beach School! We have many different oppourtunities for our pupils to do their bit and save our environment, using their local area as an oppourtunity to love, learn and grow together. We believe children and young people are the key in tackling our planet's climate crisis. Which is why at Ursuline, we have our very own Eco-Warriors!

Eco-Warriors are voted for by their peers and engage in many different environmentally focussed projects. For example, activities such as beach cleans, environmental reviews, local, national, and international campaigns, and promoting energy conservation among staff and peers while at school. Eco-Warriors are voted on a termly-basis, those selected meet a number of times throughout the acedemic year with Mr Scrutton.


We are so proud of our Eco-School and our Eco-Warriors!


Key Dates for 2023-24:

  • Every Wednesday, Walking Wednesdays.
  • RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch - 8th January to 19th February
  • World Wildlife Day - 3rd March
  • The Great British Spring Clean - 15th to 31st March
  • Global Recycling Day - 18th March
  • Sustrans Big Walk & Wheel - 11th to 22nd March
  • World Water Day - 22nd March
  • Earth Day / International Mother Earth Day - 22nd April
  • Stop Food Waste Day - 24th April
  • Meat-Free May 1st to 31st May
  • No Mow May - 1st to 31st May
  • World Bee Day - 20th May
  • Walk to School Week - 20th to 25th May
  • National Children's Gardening Week - 25th May to 2nd June
  • World Bicycle Day - 3rd June
  • World Environment Day - 5th June
  • Bike Week - 10th to 16th June
  • Clean Air Day - 15th June
  • Plastic Free July 1st to 31st July

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Following in Jesus' footsteps we love, learn and grow together
UrsulineCatholic Primary School
Nicholas Road, Blundellsands,
Merseyside, L23 6TT
Office Manager | Anthony Hampson
0151 924 1704