Year 6 2024 - 2025

Free Photo | Background with spring flowers and the word spring in the  center

Welcome back for the Spring Term of Year 6!

We have so much to look forward to this term - take a look below to see what is to come!

Things to remember:

  • We aim to go outside every day for break times plus our PE lessons and other activities. Please make sure your child brings a waterproof coat every day.
  • Please send a fresh bottle of water (not juice or squash) in each day.
  • School is not currently selling any snacks at break time. Please consider sending your child in with a healthy snack (preferably fruit).
  • We aim to teach PE every Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school in full PE kit on these days. They will then continue to wear their kit for the remainder of the day. Please make sure your child has their outdoor sweatshirt on both days as we will sometimes teach both of these lessons outdoors.
  • All stationery will be supplied so children should not bring a pencil case to school.
  • Children should not bring a bag or back pack to school, only their lunchbox and water bottle. We do not have the space to store them.

Come and See

Eucharist - Flame of Faith



Local Church - Community

Focuses on the people of God gathered in Christ, united in the journey of faith, in care for one another, in sharing their story and in celebration.

Eucharist - Relating

Focuses on the invitation to know Jesus, to live in communion with him and with one another.

Lent/Easter - Giving

Focuses on Jesus’ loving self-giving on the cross, the Father’s love that raises him to new life and the challenge to Christian’s to follow Jesus’ example of self-giving.



Grimm Tales for Young and Old x 6 - Scholastic Shop

We will be diving into fairytales, exploring the features before creating our own.

The Lady Of Shalott

Later we will be using the Alfred Tennyson poem, 'The Lady of Shalott,' as a stimulus for our writing. We will begin our journey by making predictions based on images of characters and settings before exploring vocabulary and features of the poem. This piece of literature will enable us to write for a range of purposes.


This term we will be covering a variety of topic areas: addition and subtraction decimals, order of operations, fractions including using common factors to simplify fractions; comparing and ordering fractions; adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions. Multiplying simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form and dividing proper fractions by whole numbers. We will then look at percentages, ratio, geometry including naming parts of circles, radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius. Finally, we will interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems in statistics. We will also calculate and interpret the mean as an average.


School Learning Zone - Electricity

This term we will be learning to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.

Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.

Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.


Economic activity including trade links

We will discover the journey of how one product gets into their home in detail. Be abl to describe different types of industry currently in the local area and understand that products we use are imported as well as locally produced.


School Learning Zone - Slavery

This term in history, we will be focusing on slavery and how it has changed within and across historical periods. The children will also investigate different world leaders from the past and how they impacted on slavery.

You, Me, Everyone

Human Dignity - News

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.



This term our indoor PE lessons we are excited to welcome a coach from the LFC foundation who will be working with Year 6 on a Nike developed scheme of work. We will also be looking at Dance through the Ages


Best Programming Languages for Game Development

To Code:

Programming - Variables in games


Pop Art

Pop Art Music Explosion Stock Illustrations – 516 Pop Art Music Explosion  Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

We will learn perform rhythms confidently either on our own or in a group and identify the sounds of different instruments and discuss what they sound like.



IAN FENNELLY | Liverpool Pictures

We will study the art of Ian Fennelly before creating paintings in his style.



We’re excited to continue our journey with our new scheme ‘Language Angels’. This will help the children develop their basic conversational skills.


Reading books will be sent home on a Thursday and should be returned on Monday morning. Children should also use the online reading platform – Reading Plus – to extend their reading experiences and also Mirodo where they will have consolidation activities from their learning in school. Within Mirodo they also have the opportunity to explore other areas of the curriculum, watch videos and practice skills.

Spellings will also go home on a Thursday - these now come from our new RWInc spelling lessons and will be a mixture of 'Words to Log and Learn' and Orange Words which are then tested on the following Monday.

Occasional projects linked to topic work will be set throughout the year. 

Times Tables Rock Stars is a fabulous online resource for learning and consolidating times tables – a fundamental of all maths. Children should access this at least three times a week – how far up the leader board can they go?

If you need to speak with your child's teacher, please approach us on the playground and we can arrange a time. We would ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all of the children safely to their parent or carer before speaking to your teacher and we will be happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to ring the school office.

We are here to support you and your children and are looking forward to a great year ahead!

Miss Jones and Mr Daly

Mrs Ashcroft, Miss Banks and Miss Kerrigan


Reading Plus:

Files to Download

Following in Jesus' footsteps we love, learn and grow together
UrsulineCatholic Primary School
Nicholas Road, Blundellsands,
Merseyside, L23 6TT
Office Manager | Anthony Hampson
0151 924 1704