Year 4 2024 - 2025
Happy New Year and we wish you all a wonderful 2025
Our curriculum this term:
Come and See
Our first Come and See RE topic this term focuses on community and all the people who help to create our Parish Communities. We will then learn about the importance of the Eucharist and explore parts of the Mass. Then during Lent, we will explore how we can give to others and follow Jesus’ example.
In English, we are studying The Promise written by Nicola Davies. We are using the message of this book to develop our deliberate vocabulary choices and style of persuasive writing. Our new book will allow outdoor learning to further develop our understanding and expand our sentences.
Next half term we will be focusing on The Titanic Detective Agency written by Lindsay Littleson. We continue to develop and expand our sentences and linguistic features during our story, while improving our storytelling skills and vocabulary.
Our maths work will be focussed upon building our knowledge of the rules of operation, (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be applying these skills to help us solve 1- and 2- step problems. We will begin to look at fractions and decimals and explore how these can represent values less than a whole.
In our Maths, we will continue to develop our recall of multiplication and division facts. Additional information about how you can support your child with their times tables, and an information leaflet about the Multiplication Tables Check that the children will sit in June can be found at the bottom of this page.
Our science unit this half term is about sound. We will be focussing and exploring on a range of sounds through the use of different instruments and apparatus during our lessons. We will develop our understanding of how sound is made and the properties of sounds as we take our learning outdoors to investigate.
Next half term we will be learning about electricity in science. This will involve experimenting with circuits and understanding how they work. Also, we will understand how to remain safe around electricity as we progress through the topic.
For our geography unit we will be studying Mexico as part of our focus on a North American country. We will be developing our mapping skills and identifying human and physical features of the country.
We will be learning about the Titanic disaster and how this infamous vessel has many links to the City of Liverpool. We will explore what life was like for people on board the ship and use a range of sources to gather information.
We are focusing on abstract painting for our art topic this term. We will explore some notable works, explore using a range of media to create different effects, look at colour theory and then create our own abstract art pieces inspired by the theme of Climate Change.
In D&T we will be studying the use of cams, including looking at the different types of movement they may create. We will be developing a simple design brief to create a simple moving toy that makes use of cams and other moving parts.
In Spanish we are focusing on phonics. This includes the basic pronunciations and letters I the Spanish alphabet.
In computing we will be focussing on programming and how to write an algorithm to instruct a computer to perform a task. The children will focus on loops and continuous loops to structure their own coding blocks.
You, Me, Everyone
In our You, Me Everyone lessons we will be focussing on our bodies and puberty. We will explore our differences and the ways God loves us for being individualities.
For PE we are working with LFC in game based skills during our sessions. We will also be developing our dance skills as we create our own sequences inspired by the Ancient Romans.
After February half term we will be going swimming on a Wednesday; we will send home more details closer to the time.
For the first half -term our PE days will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
Things to Remember
Please ensure all items, but especially coats, jumpers and lunchboxes, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Please can you ensure your child brings a waterproof coat each day to school - one can be left on their peg if you prefer.
Children need to bring their water bottle in every day. These need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
School is not currently selling any snacks at break time. Please consider sending your child in with a healthy snack.
Children will bring a reading book home every Thursday and this needs to be returned on the Monday.
Children will take spellings home every Thursday and they need to return their spelling books back to school on Wednesday for their spelling check.
We look forward to continuing to work with you all this term. Please contact any member of the Year 4 team if you require any further information. If you need to speak to us on the yard after school, we ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all the children safely to their parent or carer. After this, we will be more than happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the school office via phone or email.
Thank you once again for your continued support.
The Year 4 Team