Year 4 2024 - 2025




Our curriculum this term:

Welcome to year 4!

We are really looking forward to the year ahead. We will add to this blog throughout the year to give you a flavour of the many great things the children will be doing.


Meet the team:

Mr Morrissey and Miss Gotham are the class teachers in year 4. Mrs Delamere and Mrs McDougall are the teaching assistants working within the year group.


Our curriculum this half term:

Come and See

Our Come and See RE topic is called People. We are looking at the family tree of Jesus, including Abraham, Jacob, Ruth and King David. We will be learning about some of the important people in the Bible.



In English, we are studying Philip Pullman’s version of Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp. We are using this as an opportunity to develop well chosen, powerful vocabulary and make use of this within a wide range of sentences. We are building up to an exciting independent write at the end of this topic.



Our maths work will be focussed upon building our knowledge of place value (thousands, hundreds, tens and ones) including within addition and subtraction. We will then be making use of this learning in a range of problem solving and reasoning activities.

We also hold daily counting sessions where we revisit number bonds and work on fluency of all times tables. We will be working on the full range of times table throughout year 4. Additional information about the government times table check is available below this blog.




Our science unit is about states of matter. We will be looking closely at the properties of solids, liquids and gasses. Alongside this we will we looking at how these states change, including the evaporation, melting and condensation.




For our geography unit we will be carrying out a range of fieldwork within the local area, looking at maps on different scales and making use of keys. We will be comparing our local are with the city of Liverpool.




We are focussed upon drawing for our first art topic. We’ll use different techniques to draw and shade, adding shadows and highlights to objects drawn at different scales. We will be creating our own still life compositions.



In Spanish we are focussing upon core conversational vocabulary, including asking and answering questions about our names, ages and feelings.




In computing we will be focussing on networks and will look at how computers interact with each other over both local networks and the wider internet. As always, we will introduce elements of online safety information and build on this throughout the year.



You, Me, Everyone

In our You, Me, Everyone lessons, we will be learning about the importance of expressing our own feelings and how to look after our mental health.




For PE we are participating in Military school which will consist of team building, STEM and physical skills. This will take place on Thursdays so please ensure children are dressed in outdoor PE kits as some activities take place on the beach.  


Beach School

Tuesday 10th September

Tuesday 12th November

We will send email remainders of these dates to ensure children are dressed appropriately for outdoor activities.


Things to Remember

Please ensure all items, but especially coats, jumpers and lunchboxes, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Please can you ensure your child brings a waterproof coat each day to school - one can be left on their peg if you prefer.

Children need to bring their water bottle in every day. These need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

School is not currently selling any snacks at break time. Please consider sending your child in with a healthy snack.

Children will bring a reading book home every Thursday and this needs to be returned on the Monday.

Children will take spellings and comprehension home every Thursday and they need to return their spelling books back to school on Wednesday for their spelling check.


We look forward to continuing to work with you all this term. Please contact any member of the Year 4 team if you require any further information. If you need to speak to us on the yard after school, we ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all the children safely to their parent or carer. After this, we will be more than happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the school office via phone or email.

Thank you once again for your continued support.

The Year 4 Team




We will explore our callings and learn about the sacrament of Confirmation and in the lead up to Christmas, we will prepare for His coming and the wonderful gifts Jesus brings. We will also explore another faith when we study Judaism.


We will be developing our understanding of multiplication and division and using the inverse to check calculations. We will explore perimeter and symmetry, and classify a wider range of geometric shapes.


For our British history unit, we will be looking at the Roman Empire and the impact it had on Britain.  



In design and technology, we will explore a range of complex shell structures and then use this to design and make our own gift boxes.

We will also learn about how we should all be accepted and respected and the importance of sleep to a healthy lifestyle.


Files to Download

Following in Jesus' footsteps we love, learn and grow together
UrsulineCatholic Primary School
Nicholas Road, Blundellsands,
Merseyside, L23 6TT
Office Manager | Anthony Hampson
0151 924 1704